The Live Milk kefir grains is packed with enough feed for them,It will go to rest in the package while transiting for 1-4 days period,but it wiil be alive.It is highly recommended to refresh the live milk kefir grains when you receive through mail.we call this procedure as "Throw away method".It helps to grow them faster and make fine quality of Milk kefir at home after 3-5 days.
we hope you kept the package in the fridge already,once you receive the pack.
Step 1
Take out the grains from Fridge and keep the pack under room temperature fro 20 minutes.
Step 2
In thick cleaned,soap free Glass jar,Take a clean thick glass,plastic Strainer,Plastic/wooden spoon,clean cheese cloth,rubber band,fresh cow or goat milk at room temperature to startup.
step 3>> After 20 minutes,takeout the kefir package,pour some fresh milk into the kefir ziplock bag rinse thor·oughly and gently,pour the whole mixture in the clean small glass container, please make sure there should not be any small grains left in the ziplock pack.
Step 4>> Simply add 200 ml of fresh milk over the glass jar mix thor·oughly with plastic /wooden spoon,now the grains + enough milk is supplied to it.
Step5 >> cover with the small cheese cloth,tie the glass jar loosely with the rubber band,so that kefir grains will easy to breath,will liberate corbon dioxide easily.
Step 6 >> Fermentation process
keep the glass jar in the clean wooden cupboard where it is under room temperature,without direct sunlight.wait for 24 hours
Step 7 >> Throwaway procedure After 24 hours
we just attached the kefir drink after 24 hours,so what you do is, remove the cheese cloth,mix gently with wooden or plastic spoon.simply filter all the fermented milk with plastic strainer,the filered product in the stainer is your kefir grains.please you make sure you keep it safe
Step 7 >> keep the grains in the filter, and throw the fitered milk that you strained in another container ( donot drink filtered milk) ,please refer our official video in how yo maintain it.
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Straining the grains with the fermented Kefir |
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Kefir |
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Throwing the Fermented First Batch of Kefir |
Step 8 >> Follow from the step 3 with filtered fresh grains present in the plastic strainer again and finish the process until step 7.try to follow the precedure for every 24 hours 3-4 days
Your kefir grains will start to flourish on 5th day.
Note: 1,you can use the same used glass,there is no need to wash it everytime,it is good if you are not using any harmful toxins or chemicals while making kefir,because its a natural bio org.that is going to hel you a lot.
2, please donot wash the live milk grains with water at any time,it is highly recommended.
After 5th day of making kefir,your filtered milk is delicious healthy creamy rich kefir drink,trust you will make quality kefir drink at home.
please write us your kind feedback about the kefir drink after you try and taste it.please email us after days of making and throwing the milk and at the 3-5 th day,you start to make kefir,you just ferment for 20 hours,filter it and taste it,thats the real kefir can make until your life time,it will be with you for ever.